Useful Info
There is a 99% chance that you will find the answer to your question below.
On the website https://admissions.42lehavre.fr/, you can create your candidate account. We will ask you for some information to verify your identity and ensure that the admission requirements are met.
The next step will be the first elimination stage: it involves logic and memory games lasting 2 hours and 5 minutes. You should complete them on your computer with an internet connection. Don’t worry, this test doesn’t require any programming knowledge. Please note that you must complete it in one sitting; you cannot start and restart it at another time.
If you pass the tests, you can sign up for a check-in.
Once you have participated in the check-in, you can register for a “piscine”. A time slot will be offered for an “ID check,” which is a mandatory step, a few days before the piscine, allowing us to meet you again.
After the piscine is finished, you will know within one to two weeks whether you have been selected or not, and you can finally confirm your enrollment.
It is entirely possible. In your candidate space, you can create a ticket in the campus change category and submit your request. If both campuses approve the procedure, you will be notified of the change, and your account will be automatically transferred. However, if you have already completed a check-in, we will ask you to do it again.
The admissions portal remains open at all times. There is no specific deadline, but to be eligible for a piscine, the following conditions must be met:
- You must have participated in a check-in or a Campus Discovery. Check-ins are regularly offered before a piscine session.
- There must be available slots for the piscine.
- The piscine must not have already begun.
Dates for these opportunities are regularly provided.
It is recommended to register as soon as possible after the check-in to avoid any risks.
The check-in is a mandatory information meeting for candidates.
The check-in is the first meeting between 42 Le Havre and you. It’s a approximately two-hour appointment led by the staff, during which you will be introduced to:
- Our fantastic facilities
- Why 42 and why in Le Havre?
- The pedagogical method
- The various selection stages
- The different stages of the curriculum
- The diplomas offered
The check-in is also, and above all, an opportunity to interactively answer any questions that you or the person accompanying you may have.
Yes, we regularly offer remote check-ins. However, we recommend that you participate in an in-person check-in to visit the premises and get acclimated.
Absolutely. Without a check-in, you won’t be able to proceed further in your application. It’s important that you understand what 42 Le Havre is and that you’re able to ask yourself the following questions:
Is 42 Le Havre right for me?
Am I a good fit for 42 Le Havre?
The dates are visible in your candidate portal when you reach the check-in stage.
If some of these dates do not appear in your portal, it means that there are no more available slots.
The ID Check is the final step before the piscine. It takes place a few days before the piscine begins.
Candidates registered for the piscine must go to the campus 42 Le Havre to confirm their participation and activate their access badge.
The ID Check is very quick, lasting only a few minutes.
The exact date of the appointment is visible on the admissions website for anyone who has completed the check-in stage.
In principle, we organize it on Thursdays and Fridays before the piscine, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Yes. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the piscine, your registration will be canceled, and you will need to register for another piscine.
Within a 5-minute walk, students will have access to various restaurants at Les Docks. Several takeaway options are available.
Inside the building, students have access to vending machines for drinks and snacks.
We have the services of the company SEE U SPOON, which delivers healthy meals made from local sources (hot dishes, salads, sandwiches, wraps, desserts, etc.) directly to the campus through an dedicated app. Affordable rates for students.
We are committed to providing students with healthy and cost-effective options and work towards this goal.
We are aware of the difficulty of finding housing and the financial implications.
This is a topic we are alert and active on: we are in contact with various regional organizations and are considering the creation of tools and structures to facilitate access to housing for our students.
Candidates can also use the usual means: leboncoin or seloger.com, Facebook Marketplace, Airbnb, etc. This applies to both regular programs and piscines (intensive coding programs).
Feel free to contact the various contacts who will be able to provide you with the best information.
42 Le Havre is accessible to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year-round.
However, please note that your dear staff also needs some rest: the support team is available during defined time slots. A caretaker is present on campus when the staff is not available (nights, weekends, holidays).
Be reasonable and remember to rest and take vacations as well. In the long run, a healthy lifestyle is a key factor in your success at 42 Le Havre.
It is expected that a student can obtain their diploma in 3 years.
However, since each student is free to set their own pace, some manage to finish their training more or less quickly.
It is important to note, though, that freedom and vacations are not synonymous; on the contrary.
This freedom is bounded by the “blackhole” system: the student begins their schooling with a defined number of credits. Each day that passes decreases the number of credits, while each project submitted increases them. If the student runs out of credits, they are excluded from 42 Le Havre.
Students must keep in mind that while the piscine is a sprint, 42 Le Havre is a marathon during which everyone must maintain their diligence and discipline.
Certainly. Once you’ve completed the core curriculum and the internship, you can request a campus transfer to the one of your choice, including international campuses. Both the original and destination campuses will need to approve this transfer.
Please note that 42 Le Havre does not provide VISAs.
The training at 42 Le Havre is intensive: having a full-time job is almost incompatible. Part-time work is more reasonable, but it requires a lot of personal organization and additional commitment.
Keep in mind that 42 Le Havre is a highly professionalizing training program: from the first year, you can progress to an internship, then integrate part-time work into your curriculum, or even pursue entrepreneurial experiences to complete your education with a second internship.
Freelancing is prevalent at 42 Le Havre and is an interesting alternative, allowing you to develop skills while working.
Yes, we call these freezes. You can contact the educational team to request up to three pauses in your curriculum. However, the total duration cannot exceed 6 months.
You will need to plan these freezes in advance; you cannot retroactively request to convert inactivity into a pause.
No. The rule is the same for every campus: you can only start your program in the campus where you completed your piscine.
Campus transfers are only allowed after completing the core curriculum.
The return to school takes place in October following the swimming pools.
Each swimming pool is associated with an entry. It is not possible to choose a later start.
During the Core Curriculum, the following technical skills will be developed: imperative, functional, object-oriented, graphical, system programming, computer security, databases, computer parallelism, algorithms, and artificial intelligence.”Soft skills” will also be cultivated: web technologies and tools, autonomy, adaptability, creativity and innovation, problem-solving, precision, teamwork, sociability, and organization.
During the specializations, 42 Le Havre allows the development of 7 competencies (Cybersecurity, Systems Architecture, Systems & Software Development, Mobile Development, Video Games & Graphics, Web Development, and Artificial Intelligence & Data).
Levels are at the core of the progression at 42 Le Havre. Progression is gamified and operates through projects. Each project is an opportunity to address a new concept and provides a determined amount of experience points, proportional to the effort, commitment, and rigor of the student towards the project. The accumulation of these acquired experience points enables students to advance to higher levels.
Levels serve as a way for students to gauge their overall progress, including in comparison to other students who have completed very different projects. They also act as thresholds and prerequisites for accessing certain specialized projects. Finally, two key levels enable students to obtain degrees at the Bac+3 and Bac+5 levels. The Bac+5 degree, unlocked at level 21, signifies that the student has completed 42 Le Havre. However, even at this level, there are still many projects to be completed to reach even higher levels.
42 Le Havre is a flagship in active learning. This means that you will need to find your own source of motivation, curiosity, and discipline and redirect that energy towards seeking the information necessary for your progress. We won’t teach you to be independent or disciplined, but we will provide you with the tools that will enable you to become so and channel your curiosity to enhance your skills.
The piscine’s purpose is to determine if you have these qualities within you and if our pedagogy suits you.
As such, there are no traditional classes or teachers, but a well-defined framework. It takes various forms:
- An educational team that individually and collectively supports students throughout their curriculum, including the professionalization process. This educational team’s role is to guide you in your progress, help you define and achieve your professional goals, set rules and ensure their compliance, oversee, nurture, and contribute to the peer-to-peer dynamics. They expand the educational content by creating new projects, improving existing ones, and offering lectures, masterclasses, and partnerships.
- Structured educational content: 42 is designed to precisely guide students toward the necessary concepts and resources. This is reflected in topics resembling specifications, constructed as red threads of concepts to discover, often accompanied by technical resources.
The students will work on Dell OptiPlex 7780 AIO computers, specifically running Linux, more precisely, Ubuntu. There are 163 computer stations available for students.
Yes. Each campus is created with a common and evolving foundation of projects allowing students to go beyond level 21 and ensuring a common quality of education for companies.
The pedagogical direction is also common to all campuses, as well as the tools made available: the same admission procedure, and a shared intranet.
Each campus contributes to the pedagogical innovation of 42 by creating projects that will be added to the common foundation, subject to validation by the 42 pedagogical direction. This allows for the creation of specific projects that precisely match the needs of local companies.
It should be noted that these projects can be created by the staff, on their own initiative, or in collaboration with students or businesses.
You will need to provide a valid ID, a social security certificate issued within the last 3 months, and a valid civil liability certificate.
These documents must be submitted before the first day of classes.
42 Le Havre is not eligible for CROUS scholarships.
However, regarding other state assistance, such as housing allowances, it is fully compatible.
If you are under 25, you can also seek assistance from the local employment agency (mission locale) to access certain financial aid.
For more information, visit: https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/emploi-et-insertion/mesures-jeunes/contrat-engagement-jeune/
You can have one of the following statuses at 42 Le Havre:
– Student
– Jobseeker
– Professional Training Intern: You will need to make an appointment with your Employment Center (Pôle Emploi) after the Piscine to obtain this status and present your professional project.
– Employee – Professional Transition Project: In this case, you must submit your request more than 6 months before the start date of the training. You can start the process even before completing your Piscine; if successful, it will be validated.
– Self-employed (Auto-entrepreneur)
In all cases, you will need to provide us with a social security certificate once a year and update your administrative file with 42.
The training offered by 42 Le Havre is free: you don’t have to pay anything to the school. Once selected, you remain a student as long as you renew your annual administrative file (your social security).
To become a student at 42 Le Havre, you must meet at least one of the following conditions on the day of your enrollment: have your high school diploma (baccalauréat), or be 18 years old. This means that you don’t have to meet these conditions for the piscine (the initial assessment). For the piscine, it’s enough that you are in the year of your high school diploma or that you will be 18 years old on the day of the next enrollment.
No. The admission process for 42 Le Havre is separate.
The upcoming piscines will take place:
- From July 7th to August 1st, 2024
- From August 25th to September 19th, 2024
The piscine allows you, as well as us reciprocally, to answer the following questions:
Is 42 Le Havre right for me?
Am I suitable for 42 Le Havre?
You will learn to use a terminal and get started with the C language during the piscine. The piscine will allow you to build a foundation of knowledge necessary for your future studies at 42 Le Havre if you are selected. If you are not selected and wish to pursue training in the digital sector, the piscine remains a valuable asset, regardless of the programming language you will use.
Whether you are selected or not, you will have a unique and enriching experience. You will have the opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life, learn, learn how to learn, discover an alternative pedagogy, and discover yourself a little more, even surprise yourself.
The content is as follows:
- 13 programming concepts are gradually introduced over these 4 weeks: a set of precisely defined exercises to be completed, submitted, and evaluated, as well as the resources necessary to understand the topic. When you have validated one concept, you can move on to the next.
- A 4-hour exam every Friday, 8 hours for the final exam, to assess your progress.
- A collective project on weekends, reviewed the following week by the pedagogical team.
The piscine is an immersion of 26 consecutive days, which is almost 4 weeks, within the school, during which you will need to fully commit yourself.
You will need to work on it daily, every day of the week, as well as during the first three weekends, as there will be group work to be done.
Although we understand that you may have commitments and obligations, we recommend that you do not plan anything during your month of the piscine and make yourself fully available.
However, we do not recommend that you work excessively long hours every week; rest is extremely important, and your nights will allow you to assimilate the concepts learned the previous day. Do not neglect your health. The correlation between working hours and success rate is undeniable, but beyond a certain point, it becomes marginal.
The selection criteria are not disclosed. But the human and social dimensions are just as important as the technical ones. All of these aspects are evaluated.
No matter the dimension, give it your all: it’s the only way to find out if the 42 Le Havre pedagogy is right for you.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to sleep at 42 Le Havre.
No, that is not possible. You will need to be there in person daily
A person can participate in a maximum of 2 swimming pools in their entire lifetime, across all 42 campuses or partner locations combined. A minimum waiting period of 300 days between these 2 Swimming Pools must be observed. Any fraudulent maneuver will result in the immediate termination of the training or candidacy.
The presentation of your ID card.
A social security certificate will be required for enrollment.
We plan to admit 150 candidates per year.
The kickoff stats in the same campus where the piscine was done: a piscine in Le Havre entails a kickoff in Le Havre
On campus, right after the Piscine: in the spring for a Piscine completed in the winter, in the autumn for a Piscine during the summer. It is not possible to postpone it.
Depending on the candidates’ personal situations: student, professional training intern, or employee.
You will no longer be eligible for student scholarships, but other solutions are available.
We provide registered candidates in the Piscine with a list of possible accommodations.
Yes. However, 42 Le Havre is not a distance learning program: you must be able to come to the campus for the selection process and during the program.
42 Le Havre does not issue visas; you should inquire with your embassy. International candidates can contact the admissions team through the admission platform to schedule an appointment for the Piscine selection test.
On the 42 Le Havre campus, after passing the Piscine, you will be able to obtain a registration certificate to assist you with your procedures at your embassy. You can also get in touch with Campus France.